New i-book on New York City and digital literacy

New i-book on New York City and digital literacy 439 421 Anders Stubkjæ

How do we enhance our students’ digital literacy? How do we improve our ability as teachers to integrate IT in a meaningful way in our classes?

Two colleagues and I set out to find some sort of an answer. We have turned the result of our discussions and teaching experiments into an i-book on New York City: ‘New York City – Stories, Structures, Society’ by Anders Stubkjær (ed.), Tina Jensen and John Mølgaard Sørensen.

It was published on I-Tunes on January 1, 2014.

New York is one of the most vibrant cities in the world. In this digitalised world, digital literacy ought to be an integral part of every curriculum. ability to analyse, interpret and communicate in English using some of the most recent digital technology.

The course is aimed at A-level English (STX/HF) in Danish Gymnasium (upper secondary / 16-19 y.), but can probably be used globally.

The book is available on I-Tunes for free. You can also download the book as a pdf-file here:
‘New York City – Stories, Structures, Society’ by Anders Stubkjær (ed.), Tina Jensen, John Mølgaard Sørensen

We would be delighted to hear from you if you have any feedback!